
China's smart grid market development and future forecast under the new economic situation

A few days ago, with the continuous rise of coal price, the contradiction between coal and electricity continues to be intensified. It is even said that a large coal mining enterprise has responded to the request of seven large thermal power enterprises in Ningxia to substantially reduce the coal contract price: do not reduce the coal contract price, otherwise the supply will be cut off from April 1.

Thus, with the depletion of traditional fossil energy and the increasingly prominent contradiction between energy consumption and economic development, energy security and other issues have been more and more widely concerned. Enhancing the efficient use of clean energy has become an important breakthrough in resolving contradictions and problems. Premier Li Keqiang has stressed repeatedly that "energy supply and safety" is related to the overall situation of China's economic and social development, and we must promote the Internet plus, promote the deep integration of the Internet and the energy industry, promote the complexity of intelligent energy, and improve the level of energy green, low carbon and intelligent development. A clean, efficient, safe and sustainable way of energy development will provide support for the sustained and healthy development of the economy and society. "


The most effective solution is to strengthen the construction of smart grid. The excellent characteristics of smart grid determine that it can maximize the consumption and utilization of renewable energy, adjust China's energy structure, promote the revolution of production and consumption, and realize the efficient and sustainable utilization of energy. Accelerating the construction of smart grid plays an important role in solving the current energy development problems in China.

It is no exaggeration to say that when the traditional power supply system applies intelligent, information, scientific and technological management means, in addition to the management consistency of the system itself is strengthened and more convenient, its derivative effect will have a positive impact on power generation, transmission, distribution, users, technology development, power equipment manufacturing and other aspects.

Therefore, the construction and development of smart grid will provide strong technical support and capital support for promoting a new round of power system reform. Through smart grid, power suppliers will be able to effectively coordinate the power consumption of different places, and even users can form a dynamic network to share power with each other. With the gradual deepening of power reform, regional, national and even global energy interconnection network will be gradually constructed and improved. It can be said that the relationship between the two is complementary and mutually reinforcing.

During the two sessions of the National People's Congress and the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference in 2015, deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference put forward 98 proposals and proposals calling for accelerating the development of UHV and smart grid. With the gradual deepening of power reform, regional, national and even global energy interconnection network will be gradually constructed and improved. The promulgation of the "guidance on promoting the development of smart grid" can also be regarded as supporting policies to promote the construction of energy Internet and the start of the preparation of the 13th five year plan, making the Internet smart energy roadmap emerge.

Smart grid in strategic planning

In June 2015, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the opinions on accelerating the construction of ecological civilization (hereinafter referred to as the opinions). It was also mentioned to accelerate the research and development and promotion of new materials and equipment such as nuclear power, wind power and solar photovoltaic power generation, and promote the application of biomass power generation, biomass energy, biogas, geothermal energy, shallow geothermal energy and marine energy To build smart grid and improve operation management system. We will vigorously develop energy-saving and new energy vehicles, improve innovation capacity and industrialization level, strengthen the construction of supporting infrastructure, and increase the promotion and popularization.

The opinions put forward the main goal of China's ecological civilization construction, that is, by 2020, great progress will be made in the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society. Among them, the carbon dioxide emission intensity per unit GDP will decrease by 40% - 45% compared with that in 2005, and the energy consumption intensity will continue to decline, and the proportion of non fossil energy in primary energy consumption will reach about 15%; In order to achieve this goal, it is proposed to develop green industry, develop distributed energy and build smart grid.

In July 2015, the "guidance on promoting the development of smart grid" was officially issued, which redefined the construction of smart grid in China, which is different from the concept of developed countries such as the United States and Germany. At the same time, the release of the document can also be regarded as supporting policies to promote the construction of energy Internet and the preparation of the 13th five year plan, so that the Internet smart energy roadmap can be established This emerges.

In July 2015, the State Council issued guidance on actively promoting the "Internet plus" action. In the "Internet plus" smart energy sector, the content emphasized that the energy system should be flatten through the Internet, and the revolution of energy production and consumption mode should be promoted, and the efficiency of energy utilization should be improved, and energy conservation and emission reduction could be promoted. We should strengthen the construction of distributed energy network, increase the proportion of renewable energy, and promote the optimization of energy utilization structure. Speed up the intelligent transformation of power generation facilities, power consumption facilities and power grid, and improve the security, stability and reliability of the power system.

From the intensive degree of policy support, the concept of smart grid has moved from "behind the scenes" to "in front of the stage". However, in fact, the concept of smart grid has been promoted in China for many years, and has made a breakthrough.

Smart grid can greatly improve the ability of power grid to accept new energy, realize a wide range of resource allocation, and meet the diversified power demand of customers. Therefore, all countries in the world are speeding up the construction of smart grid
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